Fire Punch Manga series (Vol 1-8) by Tatsuki Fujimoto
Fire Punch is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It was serialized through Shueisha’s Shลnen Jump+ website from April 2016 to January 2018, with its chapters collected in eight tankลbon volumes. In North America, Viz Media licensed the manga for English release.
Fire Punch takes place on an Earth that has become frozen over and barren. The protagonist Agni is a young man who has the blessing of regeneration. After his village succumbs to inextinguishable flames he is left constantly on fire, leaving him in anguish and vowing to get revenge.
โ Genre: Shonen manga.
โ Premium Quality Books.
โ High Printing quality.
โ Eye Friendly.
โ Eco Friendly paper.
โ Matt cover (Paperback).
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