Vagabond Manga series (Vol 1-10) by Takehiko Inoue
The story starts in 1600, in the aftermath of the decisive Battle of Sekigahara. Two 17-year-old teenagers who joined the losing side, Takezล Shinmen and Matahachi Hon’iden, lie wounded in the battlefield and pursued by survivor hunters. They manage to escape and swear to become “Invincible Under The Heavens”. Their paths separate: Takezล decides to become a vagabond and wander the world challenging strong opponents, and Matahachi chooses to stay with women. Takezล returns to his hometown, the Miyamoto village, to tell Matahachi’s mother, Osugi Hon’iden, that her son is alive. However, Osugi reacts hostile because the village detests Takezล for his extremely violent and antisocial tendencies, and because the future of the Hon’iden gentry family is compromised now that their heir Matahachi is missing. Osugi pulls strings to accuse Takezล of being a criminal. Takezล fights his pursuers but is eventually caught by the monk Takuan Sลhล, who makes him reconsider his purpose in life. Takuan frees him and, to make him start his life anew, renames him Musashi Miyamoto.
โ Genre: Historical Fiction, Martial Arts.
โ Premium Quality Books.
โ High Printing quality.
โ Eye Friendly.
โ Eco Friendly paper.
โ Matt cover (Paperback).
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