The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
This is a novel, not a reference book, but the storytelling works fairly well. Consequently, while it works okay for replicating the success in the story within your own team, if you happen across a situation that falls outside something they addressed in the story, you may be a bit lost in how best to deal with it. That’s the nature of dealing with a novel instead of a direct implementation guide. On the plus side, it’s a heck of a lot easier to read a story than a dry manual. 🙂
It does feel just a bit contrived to me. The situations are relate-able, but they feel just a little forced… like the situations are designed to fit the lessons, rather than being strictly based in reality. The company and characters sometimes don’t feel *real*… they feel as though they were designed to be generic, so as to be more generally relate-able… but in so doing they lose a dimension of their personality, and it’s (paradoxically) harder to relate to them very deeply. It makes the story feel rather “jack of all trades, master of none.” Which is okay, it provides a solid all-around basis, but I’d also want something more specific to either my industry or my field, or my particular problems.
The actual 5 dysfunctions seem pretty solid to me. I somewhat disagree on just how bad each one might be and what sorts of behaviors will be better or worse, but it’s a reasonably good framework for looking at a team and judging it’s overall effectiveness.
I do suspect that the book does not stress the lower dysfunctions (particularly the lowest one, lack of trust) strongly enough. This is based on my own experience- people want to try and talk about failures at all levels of the pyramid, but the reality is it’s extremely difficult to effectively solve any problems above trust, until trust is already solved. Therefore, I believe it would be better to focus heavily on trust only until you’re sure it’s really nailed down, then move up the pyramid. Even the team in the story makes this mistake, and consequently backslides easily. I believe the book does not do enough to dissuade readers from trying to fix problems at every level right off the bat.
To my earlier point of wanting a more focused book, I will add that if you’re looking to fix an IT department specifically I’d *highly* recommend “The Phoenix Project” by Gene Kim, even instead of this one. This is still good (and there’s a lot of info that’s complementary), but that one is just flat better, for that specific scenario. It is also in novel form, but reads much more naturally to me (as an IT manager). I could certainly relate to things in 5 Dysfunctions, but I could feel the protagonists challenges in my soul in TPP. It’s a whole other level of precision and applicability. I imagine there may be books like this for other disciplines.
✅ Genre: Business Management, Leadership, Motivation.
✅ সেলাই করা বাইন্ডিং
✅ Premium Quality Books.
✅ High Printing quality.
✅ Eye Friendly.
✅ Matt cover (Paperback).
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