The Essential Rumi Book by Rumi
This is my favorite book. Ever. And I’m an English teacher. I ordered it again to give to a student who was so struck by Rumi’s poems when she borrowed my copy that she didn’t give it back for months, and only reluctantly. I know there is a lot of criticism of Coleman Barks’s translation, but I ONLY like his translations of Rumi.
I’ve picked up other translators’ work and just haven’t felt the same love. Maybe that means I wouldn’t actually like Rumi (although I’ve considered learning Persian just to find out), or maybe it’s just that Barks brings alive the mystical quality, the opening to the universe, that–for me–characterizes Rumi’s work and draws me to him. I first read this book in an ashram in India while conducting field work in college, and spent the better part of that day frantically scribbling quotations into a tattered notebook, only to later hunt down the book and buy my own copy when I returned home.
That was almost 20 years ago, but my feeling of… connection… with the text has never gone away. I find that each time I open it, a different set of lines will speak to me, depending on my personal experience at the time; I can always find in this text exactly what I need to hear to re-inspire my sense of wonder at the universe.. I’m not Muslim myself, but I feel his vision of the world transcends such categories. In fact, that transcendence is the essence of Rumi, and Barks interprets that perfectly for me.
✅ Genre: Poetry.
✅ Premium Quality Books.
✅ High Printing quality.
✅ Eye Friendly.
📚 সেলাই করা বাইন্ডিং.
✅ Matt cover (Paperback)
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