Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray
I like this book and have read it in another language a long time ago, which I left in my home country. Now that I want my daughter to read it, I bought the English version for her. Some people wrote that there is a lot of repetition in it.
I think the author tried hard to make as many people as possible understand what he meant. Because he describes a situation from a different point of view, like what a woman usually thinks about what a man thinks about her, even more complicated than this. He did it very well, though for some people it looked like a lot of repetition.
✅ Genre: A self-help book.
✅ Premium Quality Books.
✅ High Printing quality.
✅ Eye Friendly.
📚 সেলাই করা বাইন্ডিং
✅ Matt cover (Paperback)
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