Icebreaker by Hannah Grace
This book was absolutely magic, I could really understand every character, I cried, hated, loved and felt like I almost lived with them, all the atmosphere and the jokes, it was perfect, sometimes I was like “what did the author had to do this💀” but even in those moments I enjoyed it, the main couple is just perfect, you can feel like your falling in love with them or along them through out the book, they had problems, they communicated them and solve them in a really healthy way trying to understand, support and care about each other and when you finish reading it you have this warm feeling inside your heart like you’ve found a family, I really recommend it, mostly for teenagers/young adult, it hits different, but the age you’re reading it you’ll always feel and enjoy those little stupid things, young adult love, I just can’t describe how cute this is… and the way they show serious topics like therapy, anxiety, eating disorder and the way they’re (the characters) healing is beautiful, the author also not only focus on the main characters but give all the others their own personality traits, story, problems and focus which made me love even more this story because it helped you to feel like you really knew everyone, the way this is written is mesmerizing and I hope everyone who reads this book will enjoy it as much as I did!
✅ Genre: Romance novel, Contemporary romance, Sports Fiction.
✅ Premium Quality Books.
✅ High Printing quality.
✅ Eye Friendly.
📚 সেলাই করা বাইন্ডিং
✅ Matt cover (Paperback)
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