Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas
This was SO GOOD. So so so so so so freaking good. Birthday Girl is a slow burning forbidden romance that’s perfectly peppered with just the right amount of angst and emotion. I could not put this book down. From the very beginning I was overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings on how this was going to work, how this could possibly end the way I wanted it to. It’s a roller coaster of blistering emotions, a relentless barrage of intense, complicated feels… And I seriously loved it so hard.
This book was EVERYTHING. This is the book I’ve been dying for from Penelope Douglas and DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT. This is everything she ROCKS at doing all in one book. Douglas takes fresh out of high school characters and delves into their psyche, their complicated emotions, their difficult circumstances and she complicates their lives further by adding to it a love story that will wreck the reader, that will make that character struggle even more with everything that’s going on in their life. That’s what she does here with Jordan, taking a girl who has the weight of the world on her shoulders, a mountain of difficulty staring her right in the face, and she catapults the girl’s problems into another stratosphere by throwing in a quietly simmering attraction to her boyfriend’s dad. I MEAN, HELLO?! I COULD NOT GET ENOUGH OF THIS.
I love how bumpy the road is for all of these characters. I love how desperately they fight their attraction and I love how scorchingly hot it is when they don’t. I love how naughty and taboo their dynamic sometimes feels but I love how it can feel so perfectly right at the very same time. I love how fun this book is. I love that it made me laugh out loud at the most unexpected times and I love that I actually found myself tearing up in the most heartbreaking moments. I love that I just got lost in it. I love that there was never a single moment in this book that made me want to stop reading it. I love that I fell in love all over again with one of my favorite authors with this book. I love the push and pull and the slow burn between Pike and Jordan for much of this book and the delicious anticipation I felt the entire time. I love how much it hurt. I love that I felt SO MUCH, both good and bad feels on these pages. I love how giddy I feel after reading a book like this. I love how intoxicating this story is. I love all the rightness in all of the wrongness of this deliciously forbidden love story. And I love that I can’t think of a single bad thing to say about it.
I read this book as fast as I could because I was absolutely dying to see how this would end. But I never wanted it to. I loved every moment, ever page, every delicious, angsty second of the build of this story. I got lost in these pages and I wanted to stay lost. Birthday Girl is Penelope Douglas at her absolute best, if you ask me. Everything from the writing in this book to the stellar storytelling to the character development to the raw emotion that just oozes from this story was top notch. This book took me back to Bully, to all the reasons I became an insta-fan of this author but it also showed me how beautifully Douglas continues to grow and change as a writer. All the awesome things I love about her stories are in this book along with a whole lot of other amazing things that I wasn’t expecting. It was so good, so well done, so unputdownable. I loved Birthday Girl with everything in me.
✅ Genre: Romance novel, Fiction, Contemporary romance.
✅ Premium Quality Books.
✅ High Printing quality.
✅ Eye Friendly.
📚 সেলাই করা বাইন্ডিং.
✅ Matt cover (Paperback)
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