Before By Anna Todd
This book was strictly from Hardin’s POV. Anna done such a great job showing his pain, his strength and his passion for Tessa. He is so full of Anger for the life his has lived and now that he found Tessa he wants to be so much more. This book was much more emotional for me, not that the others weren’t but Hardin was broken more so than Tessa. Yes she was abandoned by her Father at 10 but Hardin was without a Father because he left and without a mother because she worked all the time. I think he was always a gentlemen when he needed to be, but when his rudeness came out he showed it with no problem and no remorse.
I watched the “After” movie with my daughter and thought that is was such a wonderful story. I then read all the books and of course “Before” being the last book. Like I said, “Before” was my favorite. Reading all the others were like riding a roller coaster with Hardin and Tessa! I found myself being a cheerleader for Hardin, seeing his journey thought their relationship was the final strings to make a neat bow to end this LOVE story. I hope that Anna Todd will continue to write such powerful books, showing love and honesty.
✅ Genre: Romance novel, Fiction.
✅ Premium Quality Books.
✅ High Printing quality.
✅ Eye Friendly.
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✅ Matt cover (Paperback)
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