A Clash of Kings By George R. R. Martin
The Competing Monarchs
Stannis Baratheon: A younger brother of the late King Robert, he declares himself the rightful heir of the kingdom. He dismisses the children of Robert by claiming (correctly) that they are bastards. Cersei conceived all three of the children with her twin brother Jaime Lannister with whom she has had an ongoing incestuous relationship. The allegation is so shocking however that it is not sufficient to topple the regency of Queen Cersei. Additionally, Stannis Baratheon is supported by the sorceress Melisandre who is a priestess of the Lord of Light R’hllor. She is aggressively spreading this religion in the Seven Kingdoms and her power is real. Stannis has attached himself to her power and his quest to take the throne is deadly serious.
Renly Baratheon: The younger brother of Stannis Baratheon also seeks the Iron Throne. Although he has no direct claim because of numerous heirs ahead of him, Renly is attractive and well-liked, which is not the case for the dour Stannis. Renly also has many important allies and supporters that make him militarily strong.
Robb Stark: The eldest son of Eddard Stark who was executed at the end of the first novel, Robb does not seek the Iron Throne. Instead, as the heir of the northern kingdom that had been united within the Seven Kingdoms, Robb has reverted to an independent state and been crowned the King of the North by his followers. He is young, only fifteen, but battles have made him grow up quickly, and with his pet dire wolf Grey Wind, he strikes a strong pose and has earned the loyalty of his men and knights.
As if a kingdom splintering into civil war were not sufficient, the plot of “A Clash Of Kings” is even thicker than good clam chowder and many more characters and subplots are woven into the story.
✅ Genre: Science fiction, Novel, Political strategy.
✅ Premium Quality Books.
✅ High Printing quality.
✅ Eye Friendly.
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✅ Matt cover (Paperback)
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